As I wander around this wild west town on the steppes of Kazakhstan, I am constantly amazed at the number of new businesses springing up. When the remont has finished, without fail, they all put up some kind of sign indicating they are open. "Мы открылись!" Some are large fancy canvas banners, some are small hand written post-it notes and of course, some fall in between those two extremes. What surprises me about this is that they are never advertising that something NEW has opened. It's always the same old, same old. A cafe, a bank, a building supply store, an automatic gaming casino. Where's the imagination? The innovation?
Perhaps anyone reading this might wonder the same thing about this blog. Yet another blog with someone else's ramblings? Where's the imagination? The innovation?
I'm asking the same things myself.
We'll see.
You Bum! A blog I am thrilled. I knew you were starting one but I didnt know you actually did -- this is fabulous. i asked Gail to come but she couldnt come. I am so happy its you. Kevin and I were pondering it until we clicked on your name ! This is great!
you can edit these if you like. anyways like the blog idea. Much better way to catch up.
now to respond to your post. Is there any such thing as new or creative? Isn't everything we come up with derivative and therefore unoriginal. Really, it is just a question of how many times something has been copied. The 'creativity' comes in the particulars which are never the same.
Or if you like
'there is nothing new under the sun'
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